Saturday, August 18, 2018


To our surprise, we had family show up for Thanksgiving! My old dock neighbor at the EYC in San Diego, Captain Stephen Mann, flew in with his family to do a delivery from Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas to San Francisco. “Sapphire” is an Otremer 53 light, which means it is a go fast catamaran. Coincidentally this catamaran belonged to a family which we had met in the Tuamotus back in August. Alison was from Roanoke, Virginia of all places, and they were on a one year sabbatical from Lockheed Martin, where they kept the boat in Redwood City (San Francisco bay). I guess they decided it was better to spend their entire time off cruising and then just hire crew to deliver it home for them. Lucky us, they chose my friend Stephen!1_resized

When they arrived on the dock we had both dinghies there thank goodness, because one was completely filled with luggage! We took the rest of the crew in our dinghy, while Asher drove the luggage.2_resized

What fun to see my old buddy Stephen!3_resized

Mike having fun playing with the kids.4_resized

We had the whole crew over that night for Thanksgiving dinner, where we served them fresh Tuna steaks and stayed up late catching up on our lives. The last time we saw each other was when they helped sail “Morning Light” down to La Paz with Scotty , just before we sailed off the Continent (March 2016). The next morning we helped them with the big task of provisioning before making a long passage. The veggie market is a good place to start, where the kids got to see lots of new fruits and vegetables they had never seen before.5_resized

The third adult (required by insurance company) was Fernando from Brazil. He found some cakes which were the same type he had when he young, so of course he had to buy them!6_resized

Jennifer, Stephen's wife, and I outside the veggie market.7_resized

Daughter, Tennyson, poses with the traditional flower in her hair, by the family of Tiki's near the veggie market.8_resized

This is the famous pastry trailer (Roulotte) which sells amazing yummy stuff. 9_resized

I bought everyone a round of Pan a chochlat', which is a delicious croissant stuffed with melted chocolate! Mmmmmmm!10_resized

Mike and Fernando carry a big bag of potatoes from one of the stores.11_resized

Meanwhile, Stephen is carrying Jennifer, because it was a long walk up a steep hill to get to that last store!!12_resized

Last stop before send off was at the artisan's market. Note the guy blowing the carved horn in the background.13_resized

There is lots of cool stuff to choose from here. A carved pig with real tusks!14_resized

A cow bone carved with traditional Marquesan tattoos, turned into a dolphin with wooden head and tail.16_resized

Detail of a carved tiki on the head of a sword.17_resized

Detail of the faces on a ceremonial club.18_resized

Another tiki with the tattoo of the ocean on his leg.19_resized

A face carved into the side of a gourd. 20_resized

Pretty fast it was time for them to head out to sea. They were only here for a couple of days, on a delivery schedule ya know! Jennifer, Stephen, Tennyson, me, Asher and Mike by the harbor.21_resized

My brother from another mother, Captain Stephen Mann. Great to see you bro!22_resized

They wave bye as they dinghy back to “Sapphire”.23_resized

Sailing out of the bay, just as the cruise ship “Paul Gauguin” is dropping anchor. Fairwinds my EYC family!!24_resized

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