Thursday, June 11, 2015

Engine Install and Refit

Hola all, This is Mike with some comments about the refit overall and the installation of the new/used motor. We can see the small light at the end of the long long tunnel. We would not be this far without the help from Pedro, the carpenter, Cookingham, Pedro Alvarez detail artist extraordinaire and Eddie Rodriquez overall marine maintenance wizard. Without these guys we would be looking at much longer time to be this far along and not near the quality of work. We have had delays such as the recent leaking port fuel tank needing replacement. Boat projects always begat more than you originally planned but the key is getting them done right and completing them. They have worked their tails off and due to their efforts we are getting closer to go float about. The motor was installed after the fuel tank as that was the only way to get the tank out. Above it was the gen set and that needed all new framework to support it if the fur hits the fan offshore. Thanks to Marina La Paz and their magical hoist the fits on a piling. It made short work of pulling out the old Westerbeke and putting the new to us Isuzu. Same HP but a bit lighter and newer. Old one burned oil at a rapid clip and no parts available easily led to a search with friends at Cross Marine. Rob has done a bunch in advance and today was down in the engine room with us getting the mounts correctly placed for final alignment. Mount brackets to be welded tomorrow and then we go back together. Rob has the same motor in his boat and has been an immense help with this project.
Monday is a haul out for paint on the hull and bottom with some other items to attend to. After that and during will be electronics online. Then the arch will come back to the boat freshly modified and finish hooking up new solar panels, wind generator and more goodies to make things easier.
Then we think about cleaning and moving aboard and trying out the new stuff, called a shake down! Also gives a chance to check the new equipment and get used to the new electronics!
We still have a few small items for Pedro the Carpenter to do. It is partially his fault that I am working so hard in retirement. It was partially his brainstorm and setting a date for many of us to take off to the South Pacific on his next birthday, March 21, 2016. Eddie is staying to the end. My back is coming along very well and these guys have made it possible for me to keep it so and work back into shape. Still have lots to do but past experience as a Service Manager in another life has come in handy juggling and scheduling things to get done so there is a flow without tooo many delays. Also making sure the boat is prepped like my race cars so do not want any DNF's  in Mid Ocean!
Can't wait to get to where we can go sailing again and enjoy retirement. Being on a boat will make you active no matter what.  We are waiting for the relaxing times!! And hopefully only minor projects after the main refit is completed.  We are both getting pretty excited!!

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